Special Orders
Trying to source that special item? Have a desired look and can’t find the products required? Don’t despair we can help. Visit us and discuss your requirements and we’ll use our vast array of suppliers to help you secure that perfect item. INSIDEOUT will handle the order, shipping and clearance of your items. There is no charge for this service.Send us a quick email to info@insideoutslu.com explaining what you are looking for, if you have one attach a picture and we will do our best to have some suggestions along with pricing sent back to you in a day or two!Items ordered specially for your project require a 50% deposit and the balance is payable when you receive the goods.

Insideout is pleased to offer design services, hospitality sourcing and procurement for our trade partners.
Please take a couple moments to peruse our ‘Hospitality Sourcing & Procurement Brochure’ for a brief outline of the services we offer.